Nature of modern evil
I see it in the clubs, I see it in the streets, I see it in the university, I see it in other people, I see it in myself. Its a deadly infection unseen by many, spread by most. For the infected the prognosis is not good: empty life, lack of happiness and slow death of the soul.
I was once infected by it and it almost buried me before my time. What are the symptoms of the infection? In my observation the symptoms are passivity, low self-esteem, lack of passion and expression, anger, fustration, cowardice and depression. The infection is also known as niceness. Yes you heard me niceness, and when I say niceness I don't mix it with kindness or with goodness. For example Merriam Webster defines the word nice in following way:
5 : PLEASING, AGREEABLE: a nice time, a nice person.
6: socially acceptable:WELL-BRED: from a nice family.
So what's wrong with a nice person? Niceness is almost always fear and passivity in disguise. Nice person is afraid to voice his/hers opinnion even when right or to be himself or herself because of what others might think. Nice person is nice instead of good and even if not directly making evil actions he/she is a collaborate in evil by not taking a stand againts injustice.
Nice person will smile at you pleasantly with empty look in her/his eyes and does nothing even if you are walking to your doom. So I choose not to be nice and pleasant but kind and good with best of my ability and with all of my strength.
I was once infected by it and it almost buried me before my time. What are the symptoms of the infection? In my observation the symptoms are passivity, low self-esteem, lack of passion and expression, anger, fustration, cowardice and depression. The infection is also known as niceness. Yes you heard me niceness, and when I say niceness I don't mix it with kindness or with goodness. For example Merriam Webster defines the word nice in following way:
5 : PLEASING, AGREEABLE: a nice time, a nice person.
6: socially acceptable:WELL-BRED: from a nice family.
So what's wrong with a nice person? Niceness is almost always fear and passivity in disguise. Nice person is afraid to voice his/hers opinnion even when right or to be himself or herself because of what others might think. Nice person is nice instead of good and even if not directly making evil actions he/she is a collaborate in evil by not taking a stand againts injustice.
Nice person will smile at you pleasantly with empty look in her/his eyes and does nothing even if you are walking to your doom. So I choose not to be nice and pleasant but kind and good with best of my ability and with all of my strength.