Sunday, January 28, 2007

You have been rejected

Rejection is a painful thing especially when the rejection comes from a girl that you like. The rejection hurt me especially when I know that I could have been much stronger, more confident and ultimately much better man but just couldn't or didn't do it. I have to face the reality that I simply wasn't the best catch out there. However I have to remind myself that I am only taking the first steps on a long path to become the man I want to be, the man I can always be proud of.
I am striving to have things that no one can take away from me compassion, courage, love, superior confidence, inner peace and total freedom of self expression.

I refuse to hide my insecurities or my weaknesses in material things that this secular culture sells as a cure and a temporary fix.
I absolutely reject the western religion that tells us that by driving a nice car I would be a better man or that money can make me happy. Instead I choose to work on the real issues and ultimately I will become the man who loves without shame, fear or self doubt.
The harsh to reality of it is that to become the man I want to be I have to risk facing rejection on it's every imaginable form without protection of any kind.


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